​Admitting a loved one to a nursing facility is often a challenging and emotional decision, driven by the need for specialized care and support that may exceed what can be provided at home. Initially, our team will assess the individual care needs by reviewing medical history, current health conditions, and personal preferences. Following this, paperwork including consent forms and financial agreements, need to be completed. Our team will answer any questions you might have about the admissions process, our facility, or our policies.
Our communities accept Medicare, Medicaid, and most Managed Care Insurances. For questions about a specific location, please reach out to facility directly.​

Our Locations
Skilled Nursing Facilities -
Briarwood Community Living Center
41 Hospital Drive | Lexington, TN
731-968-6629 | http://briarwoodclc.cesltc.com
Hillview Community Living Center
897 Evergreen Street | Dresden, TN
731-364-2450 | http://hillviewclc.cesltc.com/
4-Star Rated CMS Facility
Lauderdale Community Living Center
215 Lackey Lane | Ripley, TN
731-635-5100 | http://lauderdaleclc.cesltc.com/
Oakwood Community Living Center
1636 Woodlawn Avenue | Dyersburg, TN
731-285-6400 | http://oakwoodclc.cesltc.com/
Renaissance Terrace
257 Patton Lane | Harriman, TN
865-354-3941 | http://renaissanceclc.cesltc.com/
5-Star Quality Measures
Bruce Community Living Center
176 Highway 9 North | Bruce, MS
662-412-5100 | http://bruceclc.cesltc.com/
5-Star Rated CMS Facility
Courtyards Community Living Center
907 East Walker Street | Fulton, MS
662-862-6140 | http://courtyardsclc.cesltc.com/
Longwood Community Living Center
200 Long Street | Booneville, MS
662-728-6234 | http://longwoodclc.cesltc.com/
Tishomingo Community Living Center
1410 West Quitman Street | Iuka, MS
662-423-3422 | http://tishomingoclc.cesltc.com/
Vaiden Community Living Center
868 Mulberry Street | Vaiden, MS
662-464-7714 | http://vaidenclc.cesltc.com/
West Point Community Living Center
1122 North Eshman Avenue | West Point, MS
662-494-6011 | http://westpointclc.cesltc.com/
Laurelwood Community Living Center
1036 West Drive | Laurel, MS
601-425-3191 | http://laurelwoodclc.cesltc.com/
Liberty Community Living Center
323 Industrial Park Drive | Liberty, MS
601-657-1000 | http://libertyclc.cesltc.com/
Plaza Community Living Center
4403 Hospital Street | Pascagoula, MS
228-762-8960 | http://plazaclc.cesltc.com/
Pleasant Hills Community Living Center
1600 Raymond Road | Jackson, MS
601-371-1700 | http://pleasanthillsclc.cesltc.com/
Sunplex Subacute Center
6520 Sun Scope Drive | Ocean Springs, MS
228-875-1177 | http://sunplexsubacute.cesltc.com/
The Pillars of Biloxi
2279 Atkinson Road | Biloxi, MS
228-388-1805 | http://pillarsbiloxi.cesltc.com/
Assisted Living Facilities -
North River Village
5810 Rice Mine Road NE | Tuscaloosa, AL
205-759-9875 | http://www.northrivervillage.com/
Greensprings Assisted Living
811 Green Springs Drive | Prattville, AL
334-365-0681 | https://www.greenspringsalf.com/